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Thu, 01/21/2021 - 10:31
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Flights from Moscow to New Delhi to resume tentatively on January 30

NEW DELHI, January 20. /TASS/. Flights from Moscow to New Delhi will resume tentatively starting January 30 and are planned to be performed twice a week, head of Aeroflot’s branch office in India Andrei Alimov told TASS on Wednesday. "So far it is tentatively planned that flights on route Moscow-New Delhi will resume starting January 30. The plan is to perform two flights per week until March 27. That schedule may be revised later. However, we are still expecting an official instruction," he said. A source in India’s civil aviation directorate confirmed to TASS that an official instruction is required for resumption of aviation service. "We are expecting an official approach from the Russian side and will hopefully receive it shortly. Meanwhile India is interested in resuming flights to Russia, which we have repeatedly informed the Russian side about," the source said on condition of anonymity being unauthorized to talk with foreign media outlets. No instructions have been provided so far to allow foreign tourists, including from Russia, to India, according to the source. "There is no talk about tourists so far. I have no information when the situation will change," the source noted. At the end of October 2020 India’s government permitted the entry to the country to foreign residents that was suspended in March due to the coronavirus pandemic, excluding those with tourist visas. So far foreigners are allowed to India for business purposes, participation in conferences, scientific research, medicine, etc. Diplomats and members of official delegations are also allowed to enter the country. Read more