ID :
Sat, 03/16/2013 - 06:43
Auther :

Iran Able To Produce Petrol To Meet Domestic Needs: Deputy Oil Minister

Arak, March 16, IRNA – Iran is able to produce petrol to meet its domestic needs, Deputy Oil Minister Ali Reza Zeighami said on Thursday. Addressing the inaugural ceremony of Imam Khomeini Refinery Development Project in Shazand, Zeighami said that petrol consumption in 2006 stood at 73.5 million liters a day which declined to 61.210 million liters a day in 2010 with the implementation of targeted subsidies plan. Petrol output in the country will hit 70 million liters, once Tabriz, Lavan, Bandar Abbas and Isfahan refineries come on stream in near future, he said. Currently, some 1.850 barrels of oil are transformed into various products in the Iranian refineries, Zeighami said. Until the start of the Ninth Government, some 7.9 million liters liquid gas was produced in Iran, he said, adding that the figure reached 12.5 million liters, given the efforts taken by the statesmen. Shazand Refinery Development Project was implemented in an area of 300 hectares, generating 11,000 job opportunities, Zeighami said./end