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Mon, 03/12/2012 - 07:20
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Iran sets $75 billion target for non-oil exports for next fiscal year

TEHRAN, March 12 (MNA) -- Iran plans to export $75 billion worth of non-oil goods in the next Iranian calendar year, which starts on March 20, Iranian Deputy Industry, Mines and Trade Minister Hamid Safdel announced. “Petrochemicals will account for the lion’s share of the exports, with a $20 billion planned figure,” Safdel added. The total value of Iran’s foreign trade during the first 11 months of the current Iranian calendar year exceeded $93.87 billion, Iranian Customs Administration Director Abbas Memarnejad said on March 2. Memarnejad told that total non-oil exports (including gas condensates) in the 11 month-period amounted to 68.6 million tons, with a value of $39 billion, which is a 28.5 percent rise year on year. Imports totaled 33.5 million tons and were worth $54.8 billion, which is a 6.4 percent decline compared to the same period in the previous year.