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Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:03
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Anti-vaccine lobby grows around the globe, says WHO representative

MOSCOW, May 28. /TASS/. The anti-vaccine lobby around the world grows around the globe, the World Health Organization representative in Russia Melita Vujnovic believes. "This movement grows. It is fashionable to be a dissident in anything. […] The anti-vaccine lobby gets louder and omnipresent," she said Thursday during the Russian Academy of Sciences meeting no COVID-19 vaccines. According to Vujnovic, the healthcare system cannot fight this phenomenon alone. "We see it, we seek to somehow fight it with classical methods, but it seems like the world has already gone the other way," she noted. The WHO representative confessed she gets sad every time she finds social media comments saying that the COVID-19 "will kill people" or "will harm people". "That despite we all know that the vaccine is the most important public health measure, which allowed the modern world to preserve live of children, increase life expectancy, reduce the amount of disabled people," Vujnovic underscored. According to the representative, experts from various fields must be involved to make it possible to understand the reasons behind concerns of people who speak against the vaccine. She also noted that the "anti-vaccine lobby and various fakes regarding vaccines and vaccinations will harm people’s behavior not only towards vaccination alone, but towards healthcare system in general.". Read more