ID :
Tue, 05/06/2014 - 08:13
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Bosnian ambassador calls for enhanced ties with Iran

Tehran, May 6, IRNA – Bosnian Ambassador to Iran Edib Begovic on Monday called for enhanced relations between Iran and Bosnia. Begovic was speaking in a meeting of Iran-Bosnia friendship group held on the sidelines of Tehran International Book Fair. Referring to international sanctions on Iran and the hardship of Bosnian nation in the past years, Begovic said both Iran and Bosnia fought for their independence and now that they have left the difficulties behind, they should try to promote bilateral relations. He underlined the role of cultural exchanges between the two countries and stressed the importance of translation of books, particularly classical ones. The fact that Muslims comprise 50 percent of the Bosnian population can be regarded as another base for expansion of relations with Iran, the Bosnian ambassador said. Meanwhile, he called for setting up tours between Iran and Bosnia to promote tourism so that Iranian and Bosnian nations can get familiar with each other. On religious extremism in the Balkans, Begovic said that Bosnia never supports extremism. end