ID :
Wed, 03/14/2012 - 10:21
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Interior Min. Warns On Rise In Narcotics Cultivation

Vienna, March 14, IRNA – Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar, who is in Vienna to attend world meeting of fight against drugs, warned on increase in cultivation of narcotics. Speaking in the 55th session of the UN commission of narcotic drugs, the minister said that according to the UN report, cultivation of narcotics in Afghanistan, in the year 2011 compared with 2010, has increased around 60 percent which is worrisome. He added that drugs are a common problem in the world, so all countries should assist in this concern. Referring to Iran’s efforts in this concern, the minister said according to the UN information, 89 percent of opium and 32 percent of heroin confiscation in the world has taken place in Iran. Mohammad-Najjar underlined that all regional and international capacities must be used to fight against narcotic drugs. On the sidelines of the meeting, the Interior minister met with former Swiss President Ruth Dreiffus. Dreiffus praised Iran’s comprehensive program to fight narcotic drugs and its activities concerning treatment of addicts. She said Switzerland is ready to support Iran’s activities in fighting against drugs and cooperation in education and treatment of addicts. Iran submitted three proposals to the meeting including “necessity of considering a comprehensive approach toward issue of drugs in Afghanistan including development and strengthening economic and social infra-structures, demolishing of laboratories which convert materials, creation of a mechanism for a serious participation and using regional capacities to fight against narcotic drugs and finally, cooperation of organizations and international community with countries in front line of fight. Mohammad-Najjar departed Vienna on Tuesday evening for Tehran after a 2-day stay in Austrian capital./end