ID :
Sat, 11/16/2013 - 12:45
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NBC to issue rules for auctions of commercial digital TV licences

BANGKOK, November 16 (TNA) - The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), under Thailand's National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), will hold a meeting on November 18, 2013 to make preparations on issuing a draft on rules for an upcoming auction of commercial digital television licences, aimed to enable the auction to be fair and transparent for all business operators. NBC members will also, during their next Monday’s meeting, discuss six major categories, including auction procedures, communications during the auctioning, the certification of successful bidders and benefits to be received from auctioning by the state. Supinya Klangnarong, an NBTC member, on Saturday urged every firm contesting in the upcoming auction to carefully monitor the draft and make sure that it is fair to every concerned party. Supinya pointed out the upcoming auction will not only change Thailand's commercial television system from analog to digital, but it will also help “change from semi monopoly to licensing system”. (TNA)