ID :
Wed, 08/01/2012 - 12:08
Auther :

Over 200 Miners Trapped In India’s 2 States Due To Power Crisis

New Delhi, Aug 1, IRNA – Around 225 coal miners trapped in India’s West Bengal and Jharkhand state Tuesday due to power failure as the 3 grids collapsed. Two hundred miners remain trapped in Eastern Coalfileds' different mines in Burdwan district of West Bengal following massive power failure across the country due to collapse of three grids. While 25 miners trapped in coal mines in Jharkhand. 'All miners are safe and they have been moved to well ventilated areas inside the underground mines. Rescue operations are on,' pti reported quoting General Manager, Technical, Eastern Coalfields (ECL), Niladri Roy as said. 'We are trying to rescue them. There is no threat to their lives. We have provided them with adequate food and water,' he added. Triggering a major power crisis, three electricity grids connecting more than 20 states and the national capital collapsed Tuesday. While the northern grid failed for the second straight day, the eastern and north-eastern grids too collapsed. These three grids carry about 50,000 MW of electricity. The collapse has left more than half of the country powerless. Essential services and public transport systems, including Railways and the Delhi Metro were also hit./end