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Wed, 01/16/2013 - 13:53
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Swiss gallery to hang works by Iranian painter

TEHRAN,Jan.16(MNA) -- Iranian painter Shahriar Ahmadi will hold a solo exhibition at the AB Gallery in Zurich, Switzerland, from February 2 to March 16. The exhibit will showcase the latest works of his collection “Kiss”, which deals with the issue of love. Ahmadi, 33, uses fragments from poems by the Persian mystical poets Hafez and Sadi in his artworks. He uses the fragments, taken out of context and partly illegible as written, as a visual medium based on traditional Islamic calligraphy. Although Ahmadi’s works are loaded with strong emotions, but they cannot be related only to physical love, rather they are talking about spiritual love and the driving force in striving for the truth. The website of the gallery describes his works as “an expressive and gestural painting style, which translates in an emotional and personal way the literary heritage of Iran”.