ID :
Wed, 10/01/2014 - 14:21
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Anti-ISIL Coalition Destroying Syria Infrastructure: Speaker

Tehran, Oct 1, IRNA – Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani on Wednesday blamed the US-led anti-ISIL coalition for destruction of Syria infrastructure under the guise of attacking terrorist groups. Speaking in a local ceremony, he said that the US' regional allies should learn a lesson from former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain's fate who was removed from power by Washington. The allies of the US in the region should know that US has never been loyal to its regional puppets, Larijani added. He underlined that Washington plans to increase its influence in Iraq and bring to power its protege elements in Syria under the pretext for fighting terrorism. ISIL's brutal attacks have displaced thousands of people in Syria and Iraq and hundreds of people have been executed by the terrorist group. The terrorist group in its self-proclaimed state as an Islamic caliphate claims religious authority over all Muslims across the world and aspires to bring much of the Muslim-inhabited regions under its direct political control. Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has admitted in her memoirs titled 'Hard Choices' that the United States had a role in creation of ISIL./end