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Sat, 05/04/2013 - 08:33
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Dpy FM Condemns, Seriously Warns Destroyers Of Hojr ibn Udayˈs Tomb

Tehran, May 4, IRNA – Iran's Deputy FM in Arab and African Affairs condemned the destruction of the tomb of Hujr ibn Uday, the revered disciple of Allah's Messenger, warning that the culprits would pay dearly for the act. Amir-Abdollahian made the comment in a brief telephone interview with IRNA, adding that 'Opening the holy grave stone and insulting the sanctity of the great disciple of Messenger of Allahˈs revered disciple, Hojr ibn Uday is seriously condemned.ˈ Warning the direct culprits involved in the indecent criminal act, Amir-Abdollahian called the culprits ˈAgents of the ˈracist Zionist regimeˈ, arguing that ˈthey had already resorted to similar criminal acts inside the holy sites of the Muslims within the occupied Palestine.ˈ He reiterated, ˈThe direct criminals involved in this inhumane act would receive a respond that would make them feel very sorry for their deed.ˈ The Lebanese Hezbollah, too, in a communiqué condemned the move. According to IRNA office in Beirut, Hezbollah has in the communiqué issued on Wednesday seriously condemned opening the holy grave and destroying the tomb of the Messenger of Allahˈs great disciple, arguing, ˈCommitting of this crime is further emphatic proof for what Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah said in his recent address.ˈ Hezbollah meanwhile emphasized that the news of this criminal act and the terroristsˈ resorting to them against the grand personalities of the Islamic history, such as Hojr ibn-Uday, is truly heartbreaking. The terrorist grouplet ˈJibhat un-Nasrˈ issuing a communiqué Friday accepted the responsibility of opening the holy grave and destroying the tomb of Hojr ibn Uday, the great disciple of both the Messenger of Allah (P) and the Emir of the Pious, Imam Ali (P). According to IRNA, the Friday communiqué of ˈJibhat un-Nusraˈ was published on various Lebanese news websites, radio-TV stations, and social websites. The Syrian political system is criticized in the communiqué for having constructed a mausoleum for Hojr ibn-Uday. Jibhat un-Nusra has also emphasized in the communiqué that it would continue making such moves aimed at destroying the other holy mausoleums in Syria. According to the report the holy corpse of this true Shiá disciple of the Emir of the Pious Imam Ali (P) that had quite surprisingly still remained ˈintactˈ, to an unidentified destination by the criminals. Messenger of Allahˈs great disciple Hojr ibn Uday was one of the commanders of Imam Aliˈs army in Seffain and Nahrawan wars. Syria has been experiencing unrest since March, 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against the Syrian police, border guards, statesmen, army and the civilians being reported across the country. Thousands of people have been killed since terrorist and armed groups turned protest rallies into armed clashes. The government blames outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups for the deaths, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad. In October, 2011, calm was eventually restored in the Arab state after President Assad started a reform initiative in the country, but Israel, the US and its Arab allies sought hard to bring the country into chaos through any possible means. Tel Aviv, Washington and some Arab capitals have been staging various plots in the hope of increasing unrest in Syria. The US daily, Washington Post, reported that the Syrian rebels and terrorist groups battling the President Bashar al-Assadˈs Government have received significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, a crime paid for by the Persian Gulf Arab states and coordinated by the United States. The newspaper, quoting opposition activists and US and foreign officials, reported that Obama administration officials emphasized the administration has expanded contacts with opposition military forces to provide the Persian Gulf nations with assessments of rebel credibility and command-and-control infrastructure. Courtesy: Fars News Agency for the background/end