ID :
Sat, 01/19/2013 - 07:53
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Enemies Worried About Spread Of Islam: Speaker

Tehran, Jan 19, IRNA – Enemies of Islam are desperately worried about the spread of Islamism around the world, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said on Thursday. Addressing the 10th International Congress of Female Quran Researchers, he noted that enemies of Islam are doomed to failure in their efforts to prevent spread of Islamism around the world. 'Insults to Islam are the West's reactions toward progress of Islam, globaly,' he added. Pointing to extremist groups as a big problem for Muslim world, Larijani added that unfortunately, extremist groups which are in relation with US, UK and some regional countries provoke Islamophobia. 'Extremist groups are acting against Muslims around the Muslim world including Syria; dynamic thinking of Islamic revolution of Iran and its founder Ayatollah Seyyed Rouhollah Khomeini(RA) has been inspiring for regional nations.' Over 60 scientific papers have been submitted to the secretariat of the event. The themes of the papers revolve around the vestures, concepts, subjects and messages of Surah Yasin of the Holy Quran. Some 2,000 women attended the conference in which 28 women Quran researchers were honored for their services to the Holy Quran. A number of the papers were presented at the day-long conference and all of the papers will be published in a three-volume book titled “Haghayegh-e Yasin :” (the truths of Surah Yasin). The women selected to be honored this year were from Iran, Qatar, India, Iraq, Lebanon, Tajikistan, Gaza and Iraq. Surah Yasin of the Holy Quran is known as the “heart of the Quran”, and it is the Surah that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has urged to become part of the public culture in the Islamic society. This congress aimed to honor female researchers, artists and activists in Quranic fields./end