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Fri, 10/27/2017 - 09:43
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EU hopes for compromise in adoption of Eastern Partnership Summit's Brussels Declaration

Tallinn, Estonia, Oct. 26 By Leman Zeynalova - Trend: The European Union hopes a compromise will be achieved during the adoption of the declaration at the Eastern Partnership Summit to be held in Brussels, said Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations. He made the remarks during a media roundtable held as part of the 4th Eastern Partnership Business Forum Digital Economy: Innovative Platform for Transparent Borderless Business in Tallinn. Hahn was responding to Trend question whether the Eastern Partnership’s Brussels Declaration will have the same issues reflected in the 2015 Riga Declaration, which, at the time, caused Azerbaijan’s discontent. Azerbaijan’s main discontent with the Riga Declaration is that it doesn’t indicate that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should be settled in line with the international law, including the UN Security Council’s resolutions. Recalling the last Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga, the commissioner said that everyone should take lesson from the last summit in order to avoid some disagreements. "I advise always to refrain as much as possible from confrontational languages and really focus on concrete deliverables which is in the fundamental interest of citizens. I hope we can find a compromise between our basic needs. I think it is achievable," he added. Hahn noted that negotiations are underway with six countries on the declaration. "I expect that this declaration can be concluded hopefully by mid-November," noted the commissioner. He went on to add that problems have not changed from the last summit and even not from the summit before the last summit. "These are well known. We will not resolve this kind of conflicts and problems with such a declaration," he concluded. Follow Trend on Telegram. Only most interesting and important news