ID :
Thu, 11/10/2011 - 08:54
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IRGC Warns US About Any Terrorist Action Against Commanders

Tehran, Nov 10, IRNA – IRGC reaction to any US terrorist action would make them repent, Seyed Masoud Jazayeri, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces for Culture and Defense said on Wednesday. He made the remarks in an interview with the “US: Close Up” website. “World media has a duty to inform the people about the terrorist identity of the US imperialism,” the official said. Jazayeri underlined that the United States will regret conducting any act of terror against top commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC). The Deputy Head of Iran's Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “If the US does not apologize, it will (be the one to sustain) harm.” Jazayeri said it is surprising to see some US officials are so ill-informed that they do not know their fellow citizens are in unstable positions in regions surrounding Iran. He voiced hope that the American oppressed citizens who are protesting the central governing system in “Occupy Wall Street” movement continue their approach toward achieving their rightful demands. During a hearing of the US House of Representatives' Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, October 26, a number of hardline American officials urged the US Administration to launch covert action against Iran or even 'kill' some Iranian authorities. 'I'm saying we put our hand around their throat right now in every interest they have,' retired US Army General Jack Keane told the House hearing. The call for assassinating Iranian officials came after the US accused Iran of involvement in a plot to kill Saudi Ambassador to Washington Adel Al-Jubeir with help from a suspected member of a Mexican drug cartel. Iran has categorically denied the accusation, saying the recent US plot allegation is a “ludicrous” claim based on the joint US-Israel position against the Tehran./end