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Tue, 05/29/2012 - 09:41
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Lebanon FM: Iran’s Constructive Regional Role, Undeniable

Beirut, May 29, IRNA – Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Adnan Mansour praised Iran for the prominent regional and international role it plays as undeniable. Iran’s Ambassador to Lebanon Ghazanfar Roknabadi in his Monday meeting with the Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Adnan Mansour delivered Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi’s written message to him on the occasion of the resistance celebration day and the liberation of the southern parts of Lebanon from the occupation of the racist Zionist regime. Both sides meanwhile exchanged ideas about the regional developments and bilateral ties. Mansour appreciated his Iranian counterpart for the message, adding, “The countries that have begun supporting the armed groups in Syria are both ethically and legally responsible for spending efforts aimed at freedom of the kidnapped Lebanese and Iranian citizens by those groups.” Referring to the Syrian developments and their negative effect on the entire region, and particularly on Lebanon, Adnan Mansour reiterated, “We hope this crisis would come to an end as soon as possible and the peace and stability would be restored in the region once again.” Roknabadi, too, denouncing the kidnapping of innocent Iranian and Lebanese individuals by Syrian armed groups, reiterated, “Such moves reveal the real face of the terrorists for everyone and those countries that support them financially must respond to the public opinion.” The Iranian envoy once again voiced support for the reforms in Syria, led by embattled President Bashar al-Assad, reiterating that Iran has ever since the beginning of the recent developments in Syria stated and stressed its fundamental basics emphatically. The Iranian ambassador after that meeting attended a press conference in which he strongly denounced the move made by armed groups in Syria in which a number of Lebanese citizens have been taken hostage in Syria. He added, “Those groups have also taken hostage a number of Iranian drivers on the same day.” Roknabadi added, “From the very first moments when we heard the news on being taken hostage of the Lebanese and Iranian citizens we began making lots of contacts with regional officials and such negotiations are still going on.” The Iranian diplomat expressed hope for fast release from captivity of those Iranian and Lebanese brethren, adding, “Iran is currently engaged in talks with Turkish officials in that respect.” Roknabadi meanwhile referred to a memorandum of understanding signed between First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi during his recent visit of Lebanon and the Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Miqati, reiterating, “In our talks with the Lebanese prime minister we discussed about the perspective of the two countries’ cooperation in various fields and emphasized that Iran’s projects should be implemented by Iranian companies.” He emphasized that Iran’s basic stand regarding the regional and international revolutions is recognition of the righteous demands of the world nations, including the righteous demands of the Syrian nation, reiterating, “The majority of the Syrian nation favor reforms in the framework of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, and we support the people’s demand in that respect.” The Iranian diplomat emphasized, “We are opposed to bloodshed and aggression, adding, “We hope the Syrian nation and government would solve their problems as soon as possible.” He emphasized at the end, “Iran is seriously opposed to any type of foreign intervention in internal affairs of Syria and strongly condemns such moves.” /end