ID :
Tue, 09/15/2015 - 10:51
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Moscow not engaged in regime changes and holds no secret talks on Syria - Peskov

DUSHANBE, September 14 /TASS/. Moscow is not engaged in changing regimes and is holding no secret negotiations on Syria, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Monday. "I would like to remind you once again that Moscow has stressed it many times, both at the level of foreign minister and the Russian president, that it was not engaged in changing regimes. It is the best answer to this kind of speculations," the Kremlin spokesman said when asked to confirm or refute media reports that Russia was allegedly holding secret negotiations on Syria. "It is the Syrian people rather than any separate negotiations that should decide Syria’s fate," Peskov said adding that Moscow had stressed that absolutely unequivocally many times. "In this context, we can say that such speculations are becoming increasingly often," Peskov said asked to comment media reports that Moscow was allegedly conducting secret negotiations on Syria. Read more