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Mon, 12/03/2012 - 09:12
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Navy Commander: Indian Ocean States Need No Outside Security Help

Tehran, Dec 3, IRNA – Islamic Republic of Iran's Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said that the regional countries of the Indian Ocean can restore and safeguard the security of that region through mutual interaction and cooperation. The commander made the remarks during a ceremony marking the Iranian Navy Day and at the presence of foreign military attaches in Tehran late Sunday. 'The Islamic Republic of Iran's Navy as flag-holder of peace and stability in the region, and with its influential presence in international free waters as well as its partaking in providing the security of waterways, has shown outstanding seriousness in establishing a constructive interaction with the friendly and neighboring countries,' Rear Admiral Sayyari added. He noted that the Iranian Navy does not accept those countries which do not belong to the Indian Ocean to superficially establish the regional security on the pretext of maintaining their strategic interests in the region and for the sake of their illegitimate interests at the price of disrupting the regional order. The commander held the big powers' armies responsible for creating chaos in the world and the ongoing ware across the globe. 'This is the most evident behavior that can be seen in contradiction to their vague phenomena or phenomena which downplay their illegitimate interests,' the Iranian Navy commander said. He referred to the victory of the Iranian Navy over the former Iraqi regime's navy, and added that this victory made the global arrogance's strategies for changing the region's geopolitics as ineffective and also showed that the alliance of the enemies of the Islamic system vis-à-vis the will of Iranian nation with a great historical background is ineffective and also source of inspiration for the people of the world./end