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Sat, 09/22/2012 - 08:26
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Pakistani PM Calls For Calm As Anti-Islam Protest Claims Several Lives

Islamabad, Sept 22, IRNA – Pakistani Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf Friday expressed his concern over the violence that erupted across the country on the occasion of protests against the U.S-made anti-Islam movie, which claimed several lives while dozens others were inured. Local media reported that several people, including two policemen and a staff member of a local TV channel, were killed during violent demonstrations across the country. Express TV reported that 14 people were killed in the port city of Karachi. There was no official confirmation of 14 deaths in Karachi. Angry demonstrators attacked police check posts, police vans, cinema houses, banks and even restaurants, vehicles and public property in some areas. They burnt some police check posts in Islamabad and other cities to push for reaching the American diplomatic missions. The government, religious and political parties had appealed for peaceful protest against the blasphemous movie but the protests turned violent after Friday prayers when thousands of demonstrators in major cities, including Islamabad, clashed with the police and other law enforcement personnel. The government had declared Friday as a close holiday and officially joined the anti-Islam movie protest. The clashes erupted after the demonstrators tried to break police cordons and remove the blockades to reach the American diplomatic missions in Islamabad and major cities in Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar. Protestors attacked press club in Hyderabad, a main city in southern Sindh province, journalists said. Activists of the Defence of Pakistan Council (DPC), an alliance of religious groups, entered the high security ‘Red Zone’ in Islamabad and tried to march on the American embassy. The police fired tear gas shells and used batons to disperse the demonstrators. Big containers had been parked on all routes leading to the diplomatic enclave, which also houses the U.S. embassy. In view of the violent clashes, the Prime Minister launched an urgent appeal to the people to stop violence and express anger peacefully. The Prime Minister said that the love for the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is best expressed by following his teachings of peace and harmony. “Destroying property and resorting to violence negate the spirit of Islam and teachings of the Prophet (PBUH),” PM Ashraf said in a statement issued by his media office. The Prime Minister appealed to the nation to remain calm and peaceful to maintain the sanctity and reverence of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Several religious leaders also launched appeals for calm but their appeals were not given any heed. Interior Minister Rehman Malik, who had been monitoring the security situation in Islamabad, accused members of the banned extremist groups of restoring to violence. Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira also criticised the violent protests and said that this was not the right way of expressing love for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). “Pakistan is the only Muslim country in the world which has lodged a protest on a state-level,” he remarked. Kaira stated that it was the national responsibility to provide security to embassies and consulate in Pakistan. “We have our consulates in the world as well.” Religious leader Mufti Naeem also disapproved of the violent protests and maintained that the ulema community should make a strong appeal and talk to the people. “This is our government’s fault. The government provided this opportunity to the people. It should have sent a representative to the US to lodge a protest and should have boycotted the US products instead of declaring a day like this,” he maintained./end