ID :
Tue, 05/28/2013 - 07:27
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S.Leader Heralds Epic Iran Will Create In Presidential Election

Tehran, May 28, IRNA – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Monday that the great Iranian people will create another epic in the presidential election. The Supreme Leader said in his address to a group of Imam Hossein (AS) military academy graduates on the occasion of anniversary of liberation of Khorramshahr from Iraqi occupation in 1982 that the people will prefer the candidate who brings the country and the Islamic revolution more dignity. On the significance of the upcoming presidential election as a token of democratic way of forming the government in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Supreme Leader said that the election will serve the international standing of the nation. The Supreme Leader advised the people and the candidates to observe code of conducts in the election campaign. ˈThe peopleˈs turnout in the elections will bring the country more dignity, immunity and international prestige and will disappoint the enemies.ˈ The Supreme Leader said that the reason behind the enemiesˈ propaganda is that the ill-wishers seek to disappoint people and discourage them from mass presence in this epic. The Supreme Leader dismissed the US officials statement about Constitutional process of clearing the candidates to take part in the election and said that they had better focus on their own mistakes such as setting up Guantanamo Bay detention camp, indiscriminate bombardment of defenseless people by drone aircraft in Pakistan and Afghanistan and their warmongering policies in the region as well as their unconditional support for the Zionist criminals. The Supreme Leader derided the US officials for focusing on process of clearing the candidates for the presidential election in Iran and said that its indicates Iran election is of prime importance for the U.S. government. ˈDuring the past 34 years after triumph of the Islamic Revolution, on different sensitive occasions such as elections they try to make hue and cry to create crisis, but to no avail.ˈ People should prefer the candidate who brings the country and Islamic revolution more dignity, be able to resolve the countryˈs problems and steadfastly resist to global arrogance and be an exemplary model for world oppressed nation, said the Supreme Leader. The Supreme Leader said that differences of opinion should not lead to confrontation and all should abide by law and that the candidates should avoid challenges in election campaign. The Supreme Leader also advised the candidates to manage their advertisements and avoid hefty costs. All should be vigilant not to show green light to the enemies who seek to disappoint nation, underlined the Supreme Leader./end