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Wed, 09/26/2012 - 12:25
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Hamas Offices In Syria Not Closed : Official

Tehran, Sept 26, IRNA - Spokesman for the Palestinian Resistance Movement (Hamas) Fawzi Barhoum denied reports that Hamas has shut down its offices in Syria. According to IRNA, he made the remarks in an exclusive interview with “”Iran Daily” newspaper. He also stressed that Hamas will not make the same mistake as Fatah of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. Barhoum referred to the victory of Hamas in 2006 elections and said, “The objective of Hamas in 2006 votes was to destroy the Oslo [accord] from within, despite Palestinian Authority’s claim that Hamas had taken part in the votes within the framework of the accord.” He explained that the Oslo Accord has ignored the major rights of the Palestinian people. Following the 2006 elections, Hamas leaders were attacked because the group’s candidates scored victory in the votes. “The Americans and Zionists believed Hamas would not win the elections and the results went contrary to their expectations. “After the votes, attacks began and the Zionists arrested and jailed several of those who had run in the polls.” Barhoum said at present the purpose of the Americans is to force Hamas out of the scene because there is neither transparency nor freedom. “We are under siege and all of our leaders are in prison. In such conditions we cannot hold free elections.” Asked about the problems and obstacles in forming Palestinian government, he said while the Oslo Accord was created with the aim of setting up a Palestinian government, the accord is actually a big lie. If Palestinian people accept the Oslo Accord, they can only retake 22 percent of their land and this means they have given up the rest of their land to the Zionists, he asserted. According to IRNA, he continued to tell Iran Daily that “however, we have always underlined that Zionism has no legitimacy and that Hamas and Palestinian people will not give up their rights.” Barhoum denied reports that Hamas has shut down its offices in Syria, and stressed that Hamas will not make the same mistake as Fatah of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. On tensions in the Sinai and relations with Egypt he said, “It was said that Hamas will be isolated but meetings between Egyptian officials like president, prime minister and parliament speaker with Hamas authorities proved that this project has failed. Egyptians have also made pledges about solving some problems including fuel and electricity problems (in Gaza). As for the Sinai, the Egyptian government is well aware that attacks by radical groups have nothing to do with Hamas as even some Hamas members have been killed by these groups.” He also brushed off reports by some western media about differences between Hamas and Iran, saying the movement has an office in Iran and ‘trips to Iran by the prime minister and myself shows how the state of affairs is like (between Hamas and Iran) ‘. He said Israel is apprehensive about ties between Hamas and Iran and spares no attempts to create rifts but ‘our relations with Iran are strategic’. Asked to comment on the Zionist regime’s threats against Iran, Barhoum stressed that all Muslims should be united against attacks on other Muslims. He said that in case of an attack, the Zionist regime will be the big loser. About a media dictatorship against Hamas and attacks on media outlets supporting the movement, the spokesman said the Israelis may be capable of deceiving public opinion for a short time but they cannot conceal the truth forever. “(To confront the Zionist regime’s media attacks) Hamas has institutionalized the culture of resistance and steadfastness. We have managed to draw world attention to the issue of Gaza using all media and social opportunities.”/end