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Mon, 11/12/2012 - 08:23
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Islam Enemies Hatching Conspiracies To Divide Ummah : Iran Cleric

Islamabad, Nov 12, IRNA – A prominent Iranian cleric on Sunday said that enemies of Islam are making all out efforts to divide Muslims especially in Syria. Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, Head of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought made the remarks at the International Islamic Solidarity Conference held here at Convention Center. He said that there is need to find out a solution to solve the problems of Muslim world and stop western interference in the affairs of Muslim states. He said that unity of Muslims would defeat the enemies of Islam. Ayatollah Mohsen Araki said that precipitation of Muslims scholars in such a large number shows that they are concerned about the problems of Muslims. Qazi Hussain Ahmad, chief of Milli Yekjehti Council on the occasion said that all Muslims have commonality of views on principles of Islam. “We share same values,” he added. The religious leader warned that enemies of Muslims are united and hatching conspiracies to divide Ummah. He stressed the need for forging unity among Muslim Ummah. The International Muslim Unity Conference will continue for two days./end