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Tue, 03/05/2013 - 08:25
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MP: Resistance Against Sanctions Born Positive Results

Esfarayen, North Khorasan Prov. March 5, IRNA – Deputy Head of Islamic Parliamentˈs Budget, Planning, and Auditing Commission Hadi Qavami said here Monday resistance and refusing to yield to pressure against sanctions and economic pressure has born positive results for Iran. Qavami, who was speaking at a weekly session of the Administrative Council of Esfarayen Township, added ˈThe signs of being fruitful of this resistance were seen in the recent Group of 5+1 with Iran, and beyond doubt in the upcoming spring of 2013 negotiations; too, such signs of success would continue.ˈ He added, ˈThe victory of our country in this respect and establishing our right to take peaceful advantage of the nuclear energy, the countryˈs economy would be saved from dependence solely on crude oil income.ˈ Criticizing the traditional dependence of the countryˈs annual budgets on oil income the representative of the people of Esfarayen in the Islamic Parliament, Majlis, reiterated, ˈDuring the course of the past 100 years crude oil sales have been a plague for the Iranian economy and with the passage of each year the governmentsˈ dependence on oil income has always become greater.ˈ Qavami added, ˈDespite the intensifying of the sanctions we are today capable of increasing production capacity relying on working more seriously, turning the sanctions into opportunities, and passing thru this phase successfully.ˈ The MP meanwhile referred to the high sensitivity of the upcoming spring of 2013 Presidential Election, arguing, ˈThis is the countryˈs first experience of holding the City and Rural Islamic Councils Elections and the Presidential Election simultaneously and it is hoped that the participation of the legitimate candidate would ensure the broad presence of the people at the polls.ˈ Qavami emphasized that it is necessary to take lessons from the 2009 Presidential Election, saying, ˈWe should not permit some elements to take advantage of the negligence that occurred in the year 2009 and create similar problems for the system and the country.ˈ The MP at the end focused on some issues related to his election constituency./end