ID :
Mon, 08/19/2013 - 08:10
Auther :

US, Zionist Regime Mastermind Crimes In Islamic States: S.Leader Bureau Chief

Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi prov, Aug 19, IRNA – The US and the Zionist regime mastermind crimes taking place in Islamic states such as Egypt and Syria, Supreme Leader bureau chief Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Mohammadi Golpayegani said on Sunday. He made the remarks in his address to Conference on moderation, solidarity among Islamic Ummah and the Responsibility of Iranian and Afghan Ulema. He said that the US and Israeli leaders are responsible for fanning the flames of discord in Egypt and Syria. He condemned the crimes against humanity perpetrated by US-backed terrorists in Syria and the US-backed military in Egypt as contrary to the Islamic teachings. He criticized army commanders and leaders of certain Islamic states for implementing the plans of the US and Israeli leaders against their own nations. The public trust in Muslim scholars doubles their responsibility to counter the enemies plots. he said. They must be vigilant and prevent Shia and Sunni divide among Muslims. Some 150 Muslim scholars from Iran and Afghanistan have participated in this two-day conference in Mashhad to discuss current issues of the Muslim world./end