ID :
Sat, 09/06/2014 - 13:38
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US Anti-Iran Claims Politically-loaded: MP

Tehran, Sept 6, IRNA - Chairman of Majlis (parliament) National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said on Saturday that the US accusations over Iranˈs peaceful nuclear program are politically-motivated. Suggesting that the recent International Atomic Energy Agencyˈs (IAEA) report on Iranˈs nuclear activities were positive, he added that Tehran has done its best to implement transparency measures. The MP refuted alleged reports on Iranˈs agreement on decreasing the number of centrifuges to seven thousand, adding Iran and G5+1 have major differences on the their quantity. A new quarterly report by the IAEA has confirmed Iran’s implementation of transparency steps regarding its nuclear energy program. In a report on Friday, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said Iran has implemented three of five transparency steps that it was supposed to take by August 25 in line with a roadmap agreed with the UN nuclear monitoring body in November 2013. Iran cut its stockpile of low-enriched uranium to about 7.8 tons in August from 8.5 tons in May, it said. The report confirmed that Iran has stopped the enrichment of UF6 above the 5-percent level, and no longer has any stockpile of UF6 enriched up to 20-percent. No new facilities have been installed at Arak Heavy Water reactor, and there has been no fuel test or production process at the site, it added. The report also noted that Iran continues to provide the agency with controlled access to centrifuge assembly units and stockpile facilities. The agency noted that Tehran’s engagement is helping the supervisory body gain a better understanding of the country’s energy nuclear program./end