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Tue, 09/30/2014 - 13:23
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Iranian Professor Slams Obama On Daesh, Zionists, Nuclear Issue

Tehran, Sept 30, IRNA – An Iranian professor residing in the US has written to President Barack Obama criticizing his administration's policies on the terrorist group Daesh, Zionist regime and Iran's peaceful nuclear program.
Professor Akbar Montaser is a senior researcher with the Chemistry Department at the George Washington University.
He provided the Iranian Persian-Language daily Ettelaát with a copy of the Persian version of his letter.
In the letter, he appreciated President Obama's kindness in taking his time to answer his previous letters in detail and said he has one or two points against the president's views.
He said his present letter mainly focused on Daesh and its savagery which has incited hatred among Muslims.
Referring to US president's election campaign, he recalled that it concentrated on anti-war sentiments and the need for observing human rights as well as nuclear disarmament.
However, he regretted, the president was now leaving behind a legacy which he believed was quite dull.
He also reminded President Obama that during his years in office Libya was continuously bombed without the green light of Congress or other world powers. While, this time and to fight Daesh savages in Iraq and Syria, the White House was seeking the official consent of certain American bodies.
Our allies, namely the Stone-Aged Saudi Arabia, the Arab world dictators and the racist regime of Israel, established Daesh and the US certainly helped the process by its efforts to undermine the Syrian government, the professor noted.
He believed that the US president was losing his independence and violated international laws by seeking to get the approval of the United Nations to bomb Daesh.
He stressed that according to experts, the anti-Daesh Coalition will have to go on and on bombing the terrorist group and staging military operations for years.
Stressing that President Obama's orders resulted in the massacre of people in Lybia, the Iranian scholar said ironically enough the winner of Noble Peace Prize has attacked seven countries, namely Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and Syria.
Now, he went on to stress, another attack to Iraq and Syria to fight Daesh will only result in another massacre by the US.
The letter said that the so-called war against terrorism was now transforming into an eternal battle which would keep steadily growing into a war against enemies who used to be America's old buddies.
Professor Montaser further urged President Obama to stop advising Islamic countries on what is to their benefit and what is not and admit to his grave mistakes that he seems willing to go on repeating.
He also termed the US policy on the terrorist Daesh as extremely funny given the fact that there were no real allies, no solid and transparent programs, no logical schemes to end the war and no convincing reasons to think crisis will not spread to other countries.
The scholar went on to stress in his letter that the true supporters of President Obama including himself will soon find no secure place in the US to resort to if the president fails to confront the racist Israeli regime and make it sign an eternal peace deal with Palestine.
He reasoned that Israel's refusal to sign such a deal was the root cause of almost all catastrophes in the Middle East.
Turning to Iran issue, he said one thing was certain: Iran will never forsake its nuclear rights.
He described Iranians as a peaceful nation that have never attacked any countries in the past two and a half centuries.
He stressed that the war with Iraq came merely as the result of policies of such Republicans as Donald Regan and his neo-can supporters.
After six years in the White House, he believed, the US President has by now come to terms with the fact Iran is a major power in the Middle East and possesses world's 18th strongest economy.
He believed the phrase "all options are on the table" should never be used again about Iran especially now that the US intelligence organizations are confessing that Iran neither owns nuclear arms nor seeks to develop any./end