Indonesia urges collaboration to face global food challenges

Jakarta, September 26 (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo stressed the importance of world collaboration in the food sector, particularly in facing global challenges.
Limpo made the remarks during a Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome, Italy.
"Hopefully, this meeting can respond to the restlessness of all nations in facing various problems, including the potential for a global world crisis," Limpo noted in his statement received here on Tuesday.
At the conference held for the first time by the FAO, Limpo stated that a global world crisis could create various problems for the world society.
He remarked that the food sector could affect other sectors.
"When there is no food, the government's condition will be unstable. Thus, political issues may arise," he stated.
Hence, to this end, the minister underscored the need for a new paradigm in food management at the global level.
He also expects that the FAO could play a role in this new paradigm.
"This conference should result in recommendations to be carried out and implemented by the countries of participants," Limpo stated.
The minister remarked that apart from new paradigms in food management, there should be a clear path to cultivation, especially regarding the downstream industry. Hence, not only in production, but it is important that the products produced should also have a clear market.
For his part, Director General of FAO Qu Dongyo affirmed that the world needs solutions and action plans to face the issues of the food sector, mainly in livestock industries.
"We have to work together to mend the problem. Not only complaining, but we also need solutions. It is for that reason the conference was designed," Qu remarked.
Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation Forum is an international forum organized by the FAO to establish a platform for the government and stakeholders to share knowledge, improve awareness, and set priorities in the transformation of sustainable livestock systems.
The minister spoke at a high-level panel along with ministers and high-level representatives from Uruguay, Somalia, and Australia.