Netherlands announces support for Dubai Expo 2020

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Abu Dhabi: The Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frans Timmermans, has announced his country's official support for the UAE's bid to host Expo 2020 in Dubai.

Etisalat's cycle tour backs Dubai bid for Expo2020

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Dubai: The Etisalat Group is highlighting the UAE's work with international partners to develop innovative solutions to manage diabetes as part of its GSMA mHealth (mobile health) Grand Tour throug

Journey to the Republic of Korea

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SEOUL,Sept.11(MNA) -- I arrived at Incheon International Airport on August 15. It was 4:25 p.m. local time.

Abu Dhabi to host International Emmy Award Semi-finals

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Abu Dhabi: Pyramedia, Abu Dhabi, plays host next Thursday to the penultimate semi-final sessions of the International Emmy Awards on behalf of The International Academy of Television Arts '&' S