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Mon, 02/08/2010 - 11:43
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Monthly government meeting for January ends

VIENTIANE,FEB 5 (KPL) - A monthly meeting of the government held on 2-3 January under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh ended last week with a number of important issues considered.
According to a source in the Prime Minister’s Office, the meeting heard and approved the report of the 32nd meeting of the Lao-Viet and Viet-Lao Cooperation Commissions presented by the Laos-Vietnam Co-operation Committee.
The government guided its agencies at all levels to translate the outcomes of the meeting by formulating a cooperation plan with its Vietnamese counterparts.
To encourage more effective cooperation, the government agencies were advised to improve the coordination process.
The government approved in principle a strategic plan for the development of the national statistics system from 2010-2020 as well as the national statistics administrative structure.
The development of the statistics collection system is expected to provide more reliable, accurate and timely statistics to support the formulation of proper socio-economic development planning.
The meeting heard and made comments on a draft decree on the management of Lao staff working with international organisations in Laos. The newly drafted decree stipulates management regulations on Lao staff in order to protect the rights of both staff and their organisations.
Consideration and advice were also made regarding a draft decree on disabled people. The draft decree stipulates principles, regulations and measures to eliminate discrimination against the disabled. It is believed this can be achieved by offering education, training, health care, rehabilitation, and employment as well as protecting their rights and benefits.
The meeting also considered and commented on a draft decree on the implementation of a law on guarantee the contract/agreement execution. The draft decree stipulates clear obligations regarding such guarantees. The cabinet considered and made further advice on a strategic plan on capacity development of health workers.
The aforementioned documents will be further improved by relevant authorities in line with comments made in the cabinet meeting. The documents will be resubmitted to the government for consideration, the source added.
At the meeting, the Premier called for government officials at all levels to translate the guidance given by the Secretary General of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and State President, Mr Choummaly Sayasone, and implement the stimulus package to encourage this year’s economic stability and growth.