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Thu, 02/11/2010 - 10:50
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Vientiane province records USD 2 million of export in 1st Q

VIENTIANE,FEB 10 (KPL) -Vientiane province raked in USD 2.13 million from exports in the 2009-2010 fiscal year’s first quarter, according to Mr. Phouvieng Sipaseuth, Head of the Industry and Commerce Service of Vientiane province.
Mr. Phouvieng said that the exports of the province in the first quarter had increased by 23 per cent over last year’s same period, amounting to USD 1.81 million. Most exports to Thailand, Vietnam and China in quarter one include processed wood products, minerals, non-timber forest products, agricultural produces and rattan furniture.
The province imported USD 608,416 in the first three months of the 2009-2010 fiscal year and most of them were consumer goods and construction materials such as steel and cement, which are mostly needed for infrastructure development projects in Sanakham, Muene and Feuang districts. Thailand is the largest importer of exports from Vientiane province.
This central province aims to curb its imports to less than USD 4 million this year.