ID :
Mon, 02/15/2010 - 10:30
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Conference on integration of 10 ASEAN countries’ economies

VIENTIANE,FEB 12 (KPL) - The ASEAN Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Laos, in collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat Unit of the ministry organised in Vientiane on 11 February a conference on priority activities and fixing the schedule of the implementation of the ASEAN integration strategy in two phases (2009-2015).
The meeting was attended Dr Khien Phansoulivong, Director General of the ASEAN Department, and representatives from ASEAN member countries, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, the ASEAN Secretariat Units, representatives of the German technical co-operation agency GTZ, JICA and other international organisations in Laos.
They discussed the topics on the expectations of the ASEAN member countries and how to work together to close the gap in development of the ASEAN countries by a specific date, 2015. During this meeting, the new ASEAN member countries articulated the need to some ASEAN countries to provide financial aid to assist the lesser developed ASEAN countries, thus bringing about a more economically integrated ASEAN by the schedule - 2015.
ASEAN Secretariat Unit of Laos would present the results of this meeting to the first donor coordination meeting and after that to the third ASEAN integration meeting.
The objective was to mobilise fund from donors to carry out the work to bring about economic integration of ASEAN countries.