ID :
Tue, 06/24/2008 - 14:36
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Infectious disease declines

(KPL) - The spread of monsoon infectious diseases nationwide such as dengue fever, diarrhea and other communicable disease now seems to decline considerably, said a senior official of Department of Hygiene and Disease Prevention last week.

Even though the trend of infectious disease is likely to decrease the
Department of Hygiene and Disease Prevention, Ministry of Public Health has called on all social strata nationwide pay attention to smash the potential mosquito resources and usually clean at homes or offices.

In case of the spread of these diseases occurrence, locals should inform local authorities to prevent the outbreak.

Dr Douangchanh Keo-asa, Director General of Hygiene and Disease Prevention Department said that the general situation of infectious epidemic diseases is likely to decrease but it needs to further tighten up disease prevention campaign at the moment.

In order to handle with dengue fever is being currently spread the southern part of the country, the Department of Hygiene and Disease Prevention organised an emergency meeting to evaluate the situation of dengue fever in
collaboration with the Malaria and Parasite Centre, Epidemic Disease and Analysis Centre and World Health Organisation on 16 June, Vientiane Capital.

Director General of Hygiene and Disease Prevention Department reported
general situation of dengue fever spread occurred from early January to this
month. The report showed that eight provinces have been affected from dengue
fever including Champassak, Saravane, Bokeo, Vientiane. Borikhamsay, Attapue
and Savannakhet with a total of 1,727 cases have been reported infected with
dengue fever, of whom 15 cases died.

Champassak and Saravane southernmost provinces have been reported worsen
affect which amounted to 253 cases of which seven deaths.
"Climate change and earlier rainfall occurrence was main cause of outbreak
leading to the stagnant waters are a good breeding resources of mosquito
caused by fast spread of dengue fever in the southernmost provinces," the
report said.

Facing the trouble the health authorities have organised training courses with the aim of control, surveillance and response acts at provincial and district levels. Along with the establishment of teams to estimate and spray chemical liquid killing mosquitoes in the spot areas.

The teams also mobilised people to destroy mosquito breeding resources.