ID :
Thu, 03/11/2010 - 10:19
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Improvement of three airports in the North planned

VIENTIANE,MACH 10 (KPL) - Feasibility studies for the construction and improvement of airports in the three northern provinces of Houaphanh, Xiengkhouang and Bokeo are being planned.
The projects are aimed at upgrading capacity and improving the services system of supporting the landing and take-off of large planes and to promote the tourism industry in the three northern provinces.
Mr. Yakoua Lorpangkao, Director General of the Lao Aviation Department, disclosed recently that his organisation was now co-operating with several state organisations to make the feasibility studies for the construction and improvement of the airports in the northern provinces of Laos, especially in northeastern Houaphanh, northern Xiengkhouang and Bokeo provinces.
The director general added that the airport improvement projects will include the construction of runways, with three kilometres in length and 35 metres in width.