ID :
Thu, 03/25/2010 - 10:30
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Singapore Company gives safety helmets to traffic police

VIENTIANE,MACH 24 (KPL) - A Singapore Company, Lao-Asia Pacific Breweries, presented 1,000 safety helmets to the Ministry of Public Security to support traffic police in their performance of duties in the upcoming celebration of Lao New Year (Pimai Lao), in mid-April.
The safety helmets were presented by General Manager of the Lao-Asia Pacific Breweries, Mr. Ronnie Teo to Deputy Director General of the General Police Department of the Ministry of Public Security, Col. Sisavath Keomalavong.
The presentation was held at the Done Chanh Palace hotel, Vientiane on 23 March. This was the second presentation of helmets by the company. The first time the company presented 1,000 safety helmets to the Ministry of Public Security in October 2009 in service of the 25th South East Asia Games, said Mr. Teo. The packages are valued at 50 million kip.
Mr. Teo continued that the company had also presented to the ministry five billboards warning road users to be careful of accidents. The billboards under the campaign “drink with conscience and avoid heavy drinking” will be installed in Vientiane Capital, Luang Prabang, Savannakhet and Champassak provinces.
This presentation is a part of a regional campaign of the Asia Pacific Breweries, “Drink Savvy”.