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Mon, 07/14/2008 - 12:03
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Vice President of NA asks for more money for MIC

(KPL) Vice President of National Assembly (NA), Dr Saysomphone Phomvihane, speaking on behalf of the Standing Committee of NA, called the Government to allocate more money to several sectors, such as information and culture, poverty reduction and rural development.

He said this at the first day of the meeting of the National Assembly on 7July.

He said that over the past few years, the Ministry of Information and Culture (MIC) was expanding at a slow pace and it was due to the lack offunds.

The Vice-President of the National Assembly also said that the MIC should consider legislating on limiting advertisements on intoxicated substancessuch as alcohol, beer and cigarette.

Touching on social life here he said that news reports on the negative aspects of social ills should be limited because they act as a constraint to the socio-economic development of the country. "There are many social problems here such as divorces, road accidents, corruption etc so that there is a need to conduct research on the adverse effects of the various forms ofsocial ill," added the VP of the National Assembly.

This proposed research, he stressed should also cover the area onenforcement of foreigners who work or do business illegally in the country.

There is a need to monitor this situation closely and then to consider thepossibility of imposing legal sanctions, he told the lawmakers.

He also told the NA that currently there is an increase in the number of illegal workers and illegal small mobile traders (they carry consumer goods in baskets that are attached to poles and these are slung over theirshoulders).

Then he asked the government to show its appreciation to the veteran officials who contributed to the revolutionary movement. They are thenational heroes, veteran combatants and those who died during the war.

Dr Phomvihane also called on the Government to reduce the mortality rate of mothers and to conduct more campaigns on hygiene and sanitation in remoteareas. The previous campaign, he said, was not satisfactorily carried out.

For the poverty reduction and rural development measures was proposed to between the Ethnic Group Commission and National Steering Commission ofPoverty Reduction and Rural Development.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment should give more detail definitionof the rural development work.

In addition, the Ministry of Planning and Investment should lay out schedule investment of state in the national poverty reduction and rural developmentand allocate fund to this work.