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Fri, 07/18/2008 - 20:20
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Singapore awards 2008 Singapore scholarships to Lao students

(KPL) The Singaporean Government has awarded the 2008 Singapore scholarships to two students from Laos, Miss Phetmany Xaychaleune and Mr. Chipaseuth Somphet, to pursue undergraduate studies in Singapore.
Miss Phetmany will study Arts and Social Sciences at the National University in Singapore and Mr. Chitpaseuth will undertake the Computer Engineering at the Nanyang Technological University. The scholars will leave for Singapore at the end of July.
Mr. Jeyaraj Benjamin William, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Singapore to Laos, on July 16 gave a farewell tea for the two Lao scholars and their families.
Speaking at the function, Ambassador William said that the Singapore Scholarship was part of the Singapore Government's long-term objective of assisting its ASEAN neighbours to develop their human resources. The scholarship is offered to outstanding students in ASEAN to enable them to pursue undergraduate studies in top universities in Singapore.
This is the ninth year that Lao students have been offered the Singapore scholarship. The scholarship covers full tuition fees, return airfares and an annual living allowance.
Ambassador William added that at the 6th ASEAN Summit in Hanoi in December 1998, then Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong announced that Singapore would offer undergraduate scholarships to ASEAN students. The Singapore scholarship is a Government-to-Government scheme. Scholars are selected on the basis of their academic merit, leadership qualities and their potential to contribute to community development in their home countries. The scholars are expected to return to serve their home countries upon their graduation.
Since 1999, 20 Lao students have been awarded the Scholarship. These twenty scholars have chosen a wide range of studies, such as Arts and Social Science, Computing, Business Administration, and Engineering. The knowledge and skills gained through these courses have been relevant to the developmental needs of the Lao PDR.
The Singapore scholarship aims to develop closer ties and to promote greater friendship among students of the ASEAN countries through the experience of living and learning together.
The Singapore scholarship underlies Singapore's firm belief that human resource development is essential for economic development. Training and education are vital in this age of interdependency and economic integration.
Laos and Singapore are ASEAN neighbours that enjoy a close and warm relationship. Singapore is committed to sharing its experience and expertise with Laos and other ASEAN friends in a practical and tangible way via Singapore's technical assistance programme.