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Thu, 07/01/2010 - 10:35
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Australia Supports Basic Education in Rural Laos

VIENTIANE,30 JUNE (KPL) - More Lao children will enjoy their rights to a quality education thanks to a new one-year agreement between Australia, UNICEF and the Ministry of Education.
Australia will channel an additional AUD1.5 million through UNICEF in 2010 to support the implementation of the Ministry of Education’s ‘Schools of Quality’ approach in primary and pre-primary classrooms in the 56 most educationally disadvantaged districts, according to yesterday’s press release from the Australian Embassy in Laos.
Seventy five per cent of all the girls and boys in Laos not attending school are living in these target areas.
Through this programme, teachers, school directors and communities will be trained to improve the quality of teaching and school leadership. The programme will also provide children with a safe, clean learning environment and stimulating teaching materials.
Australian Ambassador Dr Michele Forster said that “Australia is committed to supporting education in Laos. Our hope is that every child will go to school – regardless of whether they are poor, are girls, are disabled or have learning difficulties or if they are from ethnic groups. Education is the key to helping the country achieve its national development goals.”
“This program will give a real boost especially to girls’ education, because it targets areas where enrolment and completion rates for girls are below the national average. Statistics show that nearly 10 per cent of primary school age children nationwide have never enrolled in school and most of these are girls,” said UNICEF representative Ms Laila Ismail Khan.
“Apart from providing an excellent opportunity to get more children into schools, the program with Australia will also improve the quality of children’s education and motivate more of them to stay enrolled,” Ms Khan said.
The new funding forms part of a broader program of Australian support for education in Laos.
This funding will help Laos to achieve its Millennium Development Goals for education and will also support government implementation of its sector plan for education, the Education Sector Development Framework.