ID :
Wed, 07/23/2008 - 10:40
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Safe animal products discussed by deputies

(KPL) Safe animal products for consumption was one of the main topicsdiscussed at the fifth session of the National Assembly on 18 July under the chairmanship of Mrs. Pany Yathortou, Vice NA President.

This issue was raised by NA members during their deliberation on the draft law on livestock and veterinary after the presentation by the Agriculture and Forestry minister.

The law on livestock and veterinary comprises 10 chapters and 105 articles.

The law determines principles, rules and measures to manage and control the livestock and veterinary aspects. It also aims to protect the animal resources, increase the quantity and quality of animals and animal products.

The objective also aims to promote the obligations of entrepreneurs of animal farming and to ensure the safe animal products for consumers.

During the session, deputies have asked organisations concerned to change and revise some words and paragraphs deemed inappropriate.