ID :
Wed, 07/23/2008 - 11:02
Auther :

Caspian Sea legal regime meeting postponed

Baku, July 23, IRNA - Iran embassy in Baku confirmed on Monday that Caspian Sea legal regime meeting has been postponed.

Iran's deputy ambassador in Baku told IRNA the meeting was originally scheduled to be held on July 23-24 here but because Russians have saidthey are not ready, it will be held later.

Hadi Sheikh Ghafouri added experts from five littoral states willgather here September 4-5.

Azerbaijan Republic Foreign Ministry Spokesman had already told IRNA about the postponement of the meeting adding that the new date fornext meeting is not determined yet.

Experts in the level of deputy foreign ministers were supposed to holda meeting in Baku.

Iran, Azerbaijan Republic, Turkmenistan, Russia and Kazakhstan arefive littoral states of Caspian Sea.