ID :
Fri, 07/25/2008 - 20:22
Auther :

Foreign investors rush to Bokeo for land concessions

(KPL) Foreign investors are heading to Bokeo province to apply for land concessions around the proposed site for the construction of the fourth Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge, to link Laos's northern province of Bokeo and northern Thailand's Chiang Rai province.

Mr Vanhnasone Phothipanya, who is responsible for the local investment sector told the KPL News yesterday that 10 companies had sent their applications for land concessions in this northern province. The applicants state that they would use the land for various business operations: hotel, restaurants, guesthouses, golf course, market and warehouses.

Up to date the government has only given approval to two companies, one from China and the other from the Republic of Korea. He said that the company from the Republic of Korea would spend US$ 40 million on a 40-year lease period.

The investor would be developing a business complex which would have a hotel, a golf course and a business centre. The Chinese company would make an investment of US$ 5 million in the building of a hotel.