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Tue, 07/29/2008 - 12:18
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Lao-Viet Bank is a new agent of Western Union

(KPL) - The Lao-Viet Bank announced itself in Vientiane Capital recent week to become a Western Union agent, in which the Western Union is the world leader in international money transfer, in the Lao PDR.

The Lao-Viet Bank is a joint venture bank established in 1999 between the Vietnam's Bank for Investment and Development and the Banque pour Le Commerce Exterieur Laos.

Laos is home to a large Vietnamese community in which more than 80,000 have strong trading and cultural links with friends and families in Vietnam. And there has been a steady increase in the Lao-Viet trade in recent years.

"Together with the Lao-Viet Bank, Western Union is well-positioned toprovide a new way to connect people in these two growing economies. The Lao-Viet Bank acts as a bridge between both communities, and the Western Union's global network complements this by linking this bridge to communities across the world." said Ms Ly Nguyen, Regional Director for Indochina, Western Union.

"The collaboration between the Lao-Viet Bank and Western Union will serve both communities' needs as the value of commercial activities increases," said, Managing Director of the Lao-Viet Bank.

Western Union began offering its international money transfer service in Laos in 2002. Western Union agents including the Agricultural Promotion Bank, Bank of Ayudhaya Public Co. Ltd., the Enterprise Des Postes Lao, the Lao Development Bank, Phongsavanh Bank and the Saikhong Trading Import-Export Co.