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Thu, 09/23/2010 - 11:18
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FAO strengthens Lao food inspectors’ capacity

VIENTIANE,SEPT.22 (KPL) - The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) organises a national training course “Strengthening Food Import Inspection and Certification” in Vientiane Capital from 21 to 23 September 2010.
The three-day training course is aimed at strengthening the capacity of local food inspectors who are working in food control institutions by strengthening practical methods and techniques for inspection on imported and domestic foods in the country.
Thirty food safety professionals from all provinces and Vientiane Capital are attending the training.
“This training continues the progress of the previous inspection training in 2009, where special attention was given to the preparation of the South East Asia Games. This time we are preparing for the celebration of Vientiane’s 450th proclaiming anniversary as the national capital, an event during which food inspectors will play a crucial role in preventing food-borne illnesses,” said Director of the Food and Drug Department, Dr Somthavy Changvisommid.
The lessons from this training will be used across the country and applied to the daily work of food inspectors, according to the official.
The workshop will give the professionals deeper knowledge and skills for performing food inspections in the field. Attention will be given to how to focus the inspection resources efficiently on food products that may carry higher food risks to consumers, such as ready-to-eat food and products. The participants will also be trained in how to collect food samples for inspection, and how to analyse various food products on the field using rapid test kits.
At the end of the three-day training, the participants will become well familiar with the principles of food import inspection and certification. It is expected that after the training course they will apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the training course in close collaboration with stakeholders concerned.
The FAO project “Enhancing Food Safety by Strengthening Food Inspection Systems in ASEAN Countries” has been in progress since 2007. Its objective is to strengthen food inspection systems by enabling ASEAN countries to recognise and comply with international standards and guidelines on food safety, with a view to enhancing public health protection from food-borne diseases, facilitating food trade and increasing competitiveness in the international market.