ID :
Wed, 07/30/2008 - 11:40
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Lao government stresses on education

(KPL) During the national annual meeting of education executives theparticipants discussed at length on the development in education.

They also discussed the significance of developing the professionalism of teachers, how to teach learning techniques and the need to raise the quality of education executives in the country during this meeting in Thakhek lastweek.

Prime Minister Bouasone Bouaphanvanh, who spoke at the meeting said that everyone must be exposed to education by 2015. Participants unanimously adopted resolutions on the need to send teachers even to the remotest areas,to increase the number of school going children and to eradicate illiteracy.

The Prime Minister also said that model schools would be built at the district and provincial levels and added that the teaching on politicalideology for teachers and students will go on.

Finally, Minister of Education Mr. Somkot Manormek, who also chaired the meeting urged all executives in the country to carry out the resolutionspassed at this meeting and to implement the government's guidelines.