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Tue, 09/28/2010 - 11:21
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President attends second ASEAN – US leaders summit in New York

VIENTIANE,SEPT.27 (KPL)- President Choummaly Sayasone together with leaders of the Association of Southeast East Asian Nations (Asean) on Friday held discussions with United States President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, USA.
The Asean-US leaders meeting was jointly chaired by Obama as the host and President Nguyen Minh Triet of Vietnam, the current chairman of Asean. The two-hour meeting discussed the progress of the millennium development goals (MDGs) and other international issues. During the meeting, Asean and US leaders reviewed their cooperation over the past year when they first met in Singapore in 2009 as well as discussing the enhancement of their cooperation into the status of strategic partners in the future.
Both sides exchanged lessons and opinions regarding regional and international issues of mutual interest including the global economic crisis, disaster management, climate change and food security.
Mr Choummaly expressed his appreciation to US President Barack Obama for implementing a new policy by attaching great importance to addressing issues through peaceful means and negotiations.
This would contribute to maintaining international peace, stability and cooperation for development in the region and world.
The Lao president also said he appreciated on-going Laos-US relations and cooperation. The two nations reaffirmed they would continue strengthening their relations mainly in the area of the search for US soldiers missing in action in Laos, drug control, UXO clearance, health, trade, investment and security cooperation.
In July this year, Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Thongloun Sisoulith visited America where he met US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the two sides signed an agreement to operate flights between Laos and the US. This reflected great changes in Laos-US relations. Mr. Choummaly expressed his thanks to the US government for supporting Laos, including support for preparations to join the World Trade Organisation, UXO clearance, trade, investment and humanitarian assistance.