ID :
Mon, 08/04/2008 - 11:02
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Releasing Fish Ceremony to Tighten Unity among Villages

(KPL) To mark the 13th July as National Aquatic Animals & Wildlife
Conservation Day, on 17th July 2008, OZ Minerals -Lane Xang Minerals Limited (LXML), in collaboration with Vilabouly district authorities have organized a releasing fish ceremony at Ban Vang Ngang village, Vilabouly district, Savannakhet province.

According to the press release from LXML, the releasing of fingerlings is primarily aimed to enable local villagers to have more accessibility to sources of food at the water reservoir built and provided by Company where the fish can inhabit and breed, and become a main source of food in the near future.

The total of 300, 000 fingerling have released to different damps in the
five villages namely Ban Vang Ngang village (200,000), Ban Na Kasin
(100,000), Ban Nam Pa, (30,000), Ban Nam Pakhen (30.000) and Ban Ang Kham
(40.000) fingerlings for public interest.
Therefore OZ Minerals / LXML has donated 200,000 fingerlings, another 100,
000 fingerlings have equitably donated by LXML's subcontractors, namely
MeuangVang Deverlopment, Khounxay Phatthana Construction, Sirisin - Manuxay
Crushing Plant, and Lao Guard Services companies.
The releasing of fish ceremony was attended by OZ Minerals - LXML Director,
Mr. Saman Aneka, the Sepon Project General Manager Operation, Mr Phil
Dunstan, Vialbouly distrtict Chief, Mr. Phonekham Sayasombath, Savannakhet
province Director General for Energy and Mining Mr. Thonkeo Phouthakyalath,
Directors of KXM, MVDC, Sirisin - Manixayn Co.. Lao Guard Security Companies
contractors to LXML, Chief of Ban Vang Ngang, Mr. Ton and the villagers and
the village elders representatives from related local villages.
Chief Phonekham Sayasombath of Vilabouly District offered strong advise to
villagers to look after the given dam, and the released fingerling for the
sustainable use for nutrition source to all villagers. Therefore the
identification of preserved zone is recommended to do to be able multiply
the fish population.
Phil Dunstan - General Manager Sepon Project Operation expressed great
appreciation to have provided the fingerling to the dam and created
opportunity to Ban Vang Ngang and to the people in the community host to
Sepon mine. Phil advised that the company and Sepon Project having good
cooperation with Ban Vang Ngang and people around the mine that should keep
achieving, and the Company is looking forward to seeing that the people are
able to improving their living conditions.
Mr. Saman Aneka - Director Lane Xang Minerals Limited mentioned that: By
time as the Company's Sepon Project operation is on going here in Vilabouly
District the more that the host people do receive the benefit. Today event
regarding the releasing of fingerling is part of the commitment. Mr. Aneka
remarked that the Sepon project always providing huge of benefit to the
local community and providing great benefit to Lao country as well. He is
very appreciated of the participation of Lao contractors to the releasing of
fish for public interest today.
The Sepon Project Community Relations Manager, Mr. Khamvieng Xayabouth
mentioned at the introduction of the event that: "In addition to the
celebration of the National Aquatic & Wild Life Conservation Day, another
underlying reason of this activity is to tighten unity among the nearby
villages who share the same areas of food sources, and is to also build good
relationships between local people and the Company".
At the closing ceremony, Mr. Ton - Chief of Ban Vang Ngang village chief has
expressed sincere thanks to Vilabouly district, Phil Dunstan, LXML
Directory, contractors and concerned authorities, especially to LXML - Sepon
Project for its on-going support and organising this event for the
surrounding villages of the mine site.