ID :
Thu, 08/07/2008 - 18:50
Auther :

Khammouane completes rice plantation as planned

(KPL) Khammouane province has claimed completing rainy season rice
plantation as planned, meeting over 56,200 ha.
Head of the Plantation Division, Khammouane Agriculture and Forestry
Service, Mr. Khamsing Ounkheua, said last week the plantation of the local
farmers commenced early July and was over at the end of the month. Mr.
Khamsing said the Plantation Division of the Agriculture and Forestry
Service of the province was cooperating with the Provincial Committee on
Drought and Flood Prevention on preparing rice seeds and various cash crops
species as well as insecticide for the re-plantation of the farmers in case
of facing possible natural disaster, which could destroy their crops.