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Sat, 08/09/2008 - 22:38
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UNICEF renders 2 million USD grant to single province

An Giang (VNA)- The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has been
committed to a comprehensive project worth 2.3 million USD for children in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang.

Of the amount, UNICEF will contribute 2 million USD in non-refundable aid and the rest will come from the provincial budget.

The project will benefit pregnant mothers and seven groups of vulnerable children. The child beneficiaries include HIV/AIDS carriers, social evil offenders, mal-nutritious children, school drop-outs, children of labour and sexual abuse and injured children.

The project will help improve local administrations' capacity in child care and protection, invest in safe water supply and environmental hygiene for primary schools and day-care centres, raise children's awareness against violence, improve educational conditions for children at home, schools and community, and give pregnant mothers and HIV/AIDS-hit children more accesses to healthcare and preventive services.

It is expected that 85 percent of the target communities will have access to safe water, 80 percent of local authorities and people will be equipped with skills to prevent injuries for children and 75 percent of locals will be accessible to hygiene works by the end of this year.

The project will run until 2010.