ID :
Fri, 08/15/2008 - 14:37
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Mekong River is critical level

(KPL) - Thousands of sandbags were stacked on the banks of the popular riverside area of the Mekong River in Vientiane and it was meant to prevent the water from flooding the city.

Hundreds of Vientiane residents gave help voluntarily to fill the sandbags with sand and they said they were determined to prevent the Mekong Riverfrom breaking its banks.

The water level of Mekong River seemed fast increase in few days ago.

Many Vientiane residents flocked to see the Mekong River yesterday whichthey were scaled of Mekong River would flood.

According to the Meteorological and Agrolona Meteorology Department, the water level need only to increase by just one metre and the river would begin the process of flooding the city. The Mekong River was at the levelof 12.22 metres on 11 August and it increased by more than 57 cm yesterday.

Mr Somphong, an expert from the Mekong River Commission i said that if the water level increased to 13 metres there is the danger of a flood as thedyke can only hold the water at 14 metres.

He added that this year rainy reason is onset early that begun in May tillthis month. This prompts irregular rainfall.

The rainfall forecasts to be ongoing next few days because the rainstormfrom Vietnam affected northernmost provinces of the country.

In this condition, the Vientiane is risk at flood in next few days, heexplained.

Mr Noulab Phetthany, an official Information Centre of MRC said, "now Vientiane residents were bringing thousands of sandbags to lay out in line stretching 1,500 metres from Mekong River bank of Pakpasack Technical School, Bouthaboury district to Donchanh Palace Hotel, Thatkhao village,Sisatthanak district.

In 1966, Vientiane was flooded by Mekong River that damaged considerablypeople's prosperity.