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Mon, 08/18/2008 - 11:13
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Vietnam places importance on preventing waste and corruption in using ODA

Hanoi (VNA) - Japanese and global news sources have reported suspicions that Japan's Pacific Consultants International (PCI) bribed Vietnamese officials to win the East-West Avenue contract in HCM City.

The project will use official development assistance (ODA) from theJapanese government.

Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Xuan Son granted VNA an interview toclarify this issue.

The Deputy FM said that as a poor war-torn country, Vietnam treasuresevery bit of capital, especially that granted by international friends.

"The Vietnamese Government has been managing and effectively andpurposefully using ODA capital from Japan and other donors," Son said.

At Consultative Group (CG) meetings, the ODA commitment to Vietnam has increased every year, from 3.7 billion USD (835 million USD from Japan) in 2006 to 4.4 billion USD (890 million USD from Japan) last year and 5.4billion USD (1.1 billion USD from Japan) this year.

ODA loans from donors, including those from Japan , had significantly contributed to Vietnam 's realisation of its socio-economic targets, especially in developing infrastructure and alleviating poverty, the DeputyFM said.

When word began circulating from Japan about PCI's suspected bribery, the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other authorities immediatelybegan dealing with issue, Son said.

He stressed that though no bilateral agreement had been reached between the two countries on judiciary matters, Vietnam was ready to co-ordinate with Japan to deal with the case in line with Vietnamese laws and any relevantbilateral agreements.

The Vietnamese Deputy FM expressed regret that the information provided by Japanese agencies to Vietnam was so far insufficient and that some Japanese newspapers had printed inaccuracies relating to the case. This further ignited doubts about Japan 's ODA policies in relation to Vietnamand about the Vietnamese Government's determination to stop corruption.

The senior official also revealed that, according to recent reports from the HCM City Department of Planning and Investment and the Management Unit of the East-West Avenue Project on selecting contractors, the entire tender process was conducted in line with Vietnamese laws and strictly supervisedby the Japanese Bank for International Co-operation (JBIC).

Deputy FM Son emphasised that the Vietnamese Party and State were pursuing a consistent policy of fighting corruption. "All acts of corruption and bribery will be strictly punished under law, without exception," heconfirmed.

He added that Vietnam always attached importance to preventing wasteand corruption when using foreign ODA.

He went on to say that the Vietnamese Government would continue to work closely with the Japanese Government on clarifying and addressing problemsrelated to the project.

The Vietnamese Deputy FM asked enterprises of the two countries, including contractors, consultants and investors, to continue project efforts onschedule.

"We believe that, with joint efforts of the two Governments and peoples, Vietnam-Japan relations toward a strategic partnership will be consolidated and developed, meeting the aspirations and interests of the two countries and contributing to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and theworld," concluded Deputy FM Son.