ID :
Thu, 08/21/2008 - 08:33
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Vietnam, Uzbekistan inter-governmental committee meets

Inter-governmental Committee for Economic, Commercial, Scientific andTechnological Cooperation convened their second meeting in Hanoi on Aug. 20.

On the first day of their two-day meeting, Vietnamese and Uzbekistani officials exchanged information relating to socio-economic development andinvestment opportunities and potential in their respective countries.

They were eager for cooperation in leather tanning, the production of footwear, silk, construction materials and consumer goods to meetUzbekistan 's demands and for export to the third country.

Vietnamese and Uzbekistani officials also discussed cooperation in growing of cotton and rice, sericulture, and the exchange of experience inpost-harvest and processing techniques.

They expressed hopes to team up in oil and gas exploration activities, set up banking agents to support the two countries' businesses, and cooperate inthe fields of culture, sports, tourism and training.

The officials said that the two countries' two-way trade value of 6 million USD in 2007 remains below their potential and demand and outlined a map to increase the exchange of information on investment environment, trade, andexport to raise their trade volume and develop economic ties as a whole.

At present, Vietnam imports cotton, fibre, silk, machinery, equipment and fertiliser from Uzbekistan and exports seafood, fruits, medicines, rice, tea and coffee to the central Asian country.-Enditem