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Thu, 08/21/2008 - 08:37
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Gov't to take inflation into account when calculating poverty

government agencies to set a new poverty baseline for the 2009-2015 period.

Any city resident earning 12 million VND (750 USD) or less a year and arural resident earning 10 million VND (625 USD) will be considered poor.

Poor households under the former poverty line used from 2006-2010 are thosewith an income of no more than 6 million VND a year (375 USD).

The readjustment was made by the city to reflect rising costs in today'seconomy.

As of the second quarter, there were 17,033 poor households, accounting for1.37 percent of city households.

The Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs wants to reduce the poverty rate to 0.6 percent by the end of this year, and to zero withintwo years.

The City People's Committee said in the near future any poor person unable to work because of old age, poor health or disability would be removed from poverty alleviation programme and would receive financial support from thecity.

The central city of Da Nang is also aiming for lowered poverty rate.

The rate of poor households in the central city has dropped by nearly half to 2.9 percent since the beginning of the year, according to a localofficial.

The director of Da Nang City 's Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Nguyen Thi Thanh Hung, said the local government had called on mass organisations and businesses to provide assistance in cash and itemsto 4,970 poor, disadvantaged households.

Of that number, nearly 2,200 households have been able to escape frompoverty, accounting for nearly 63 percent of the year's target.

The city has urged public agencies, charitable organisations and funds for the poor as well as companies to provide housing, electricity and water forpoor households.

The municipal authorities have also focused on providing health care,education, legal assistance and job training to poor households.

It has launched a programme for agricultural, industrial and fisheriespromotion to give poor households training in farming.

Despite high inflation, local authorities have invested several billions VNDfrom the local budget for social welfare for the poor.

The city has initiated a so-called "three-haves" programme - ahouse, job and a civilised city environment.

Free health care services for 72,000 poor and elderly people have also beenearmarked.

About 5,000 poor students of primary and secondary schools have been givenfree school tuition and equipment to continue their studies.

In order to achieve targets set by the Ministry of Education and Training to enrol children in school, the local government has paid special attention toproviding scholarships for disadvantaged rural students.

The local youth and women's unions have worked together to organise free vocational training for poor youth to help them acquire stable jobs.-Enditem